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Come back stronger after injury 

Getting moving the right way after injury is the most important thing to achieve a good outcome. Empower specialise in providing rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and post operative procedures. 


Nobody likes getting injured. Unfortunately, one injury is often the start of a cascade of never ending issues that never resolve. It is essential that all injuries are managed in the correct way to ensure recovery is complete and sustainable in the long term.

Injury Rehabilitation 

We make it specific to you

An Accredited Exercise Physiologist can assist you make your comeback by assessing your current physical capacity and prescribing the most appropriate exercise program considering your injury and the demands of your chosen activity.


We have found that an individualised approach to managing injury always leads to better outcomes. It's important to find a plan that works for you, your injury concerns and how you will be using your body. The value of working with an experienced Exercise Physiologist is in finding and executing a plan that is totally tailored to you.       

Rotational Lunge w Luke.HEIC
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We can help manage a number of musculoskeletal injuries and chronic conditions with appropriate and effective exercises.

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