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What is Sacroiliac Joint Pain?

The SIJ (Sacroiliac Joint) is the joint that occurs between your sacrum and the pelvis. SIJ pain typically occurs because of imbalances in the lumbopelvic region and/or repetitive use in certain postures and activities. Often it can be identified that there is either too much movement (hypermobility) within the joint or not enough movement (hypomobility), both of which can cause a feeling of stiffness and muscle tightness in the surrounding area. The result can lead to pain and inflammation of the SIJ.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

How is a Sacroiliac Joint Pain commonly treated? 

To start it is important to reduce pain around the SIJ region. This can be done with anti-inflammatory medication, activity modification and specific exercises. From this point, management becomes targeted towards identifying and addressing what is causing your SIJ pain. This is done with a comprehensive assessment to address potential imbalances, weak and/or tight muscles and a personalized strengthening program. Often this will involve strengthening core muscles and other pelvis stabilizing muscles to ensure the SIJ is loaded correctly.  


How can an Exercise Physiologist help? 

An Exercise Physiologist can help by identifying what are the most likely contributors to your pain and prescribing an appropriate exercise plan to suit. This may involve assessment and upgrading of your program over time and advice on how and when to transition to other activities. 

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